Getting started

Pooky is a sport prediction web application. To start playing is simple.

  1. Create an account. Players get access via email or social logins (Google, Apple, Twitter).

  2. Connect your wallet, or create a new wallet.

Pooky supports most wallets through WalletConnect (Metamask, Rainbow, Coinbase, Ledger and Trezor).

For players that donโ€™t have a web3 wallet, Pooky helps create one.

Pooky has partnered with Sequence, a third party, non-custodial wallet. Sequence has a simple user interface, integrates with multiple payment providers (Moonpay, Wyre and Ramp) and can be accessed via social accounts (Google, Facebook).

Additionally, most of the game actions which cost gas fee, are free when you are using Sequence. Pooky is sponsoring the gas fee to allow for a better experience.

Last updated