Pooky pricing policy

Pricing pyramid

Same as there is a Rarity Pyramid, Pooky computed prices of Pookyballs based on rarity, starting from the Common price.

As such :

  • Rare balls cost 4x the price of Common balls

  • Epic balls cost 16x the price of Common balls

  • Legendary balls cost 64x the price of Common balls

Math lovers might have noticed that this multiplier is slightly lower than the Rarity multiplier of the Rarity pyramid!

Price evolutions

  • This section is indicative and does not bind Pooky to immediately propagate price movements ; it is made to inform players of when Pooky will consider it.

  • This section can be adapted by Pooky if deemed necessary to protect the economy and the value of current Pookyballs.

  • The baseline price of 25 USD for common was our introduction price as of Feb-23. This baseline price can change in the future.

  • A previous version was active in May and June, which impacted 50% of the MATIC price move on the mint price.

As of 20/06, we're making our target price much more attached to USD, with the goal to stabilise around the 25 USD entry price for a Common Pookyball.

We'll push this change over a few weeks to avoid major cliffs when expressed in MATIC.

As an example, with a MATIC price at 0.70 USD, the common ball would be ~25/0,7 = 35,7 MATIC. That number would likely be rounded.

Last updated