Pooky pricing policy
Pricing pyramid
Same as there is a Rarity Pyramid, Pooky computed prices of Pookyballs based on rarity, starting from the Common price.
As such :
Rare balls cost 4x the price of Common balls
Epic balls cost 16x the price of Common balls
Legendary balls cost 64x the price of Common balls
Math lovers might have noticed that this multiplier is slightly lower than the Rarity multiplier of the Rarity pyramid!
Price evolutions
As of 20/06, we're making our target price much more attached to USD, with the goal to stabilise around the 25 USD entry price for a Common Pookyball.
We'll push this change over a few weeks to avoid major cliffs when expressed in MATIC.
As an example, with a MATIC price at 0.70 USD, the common ball would be ~25/0,7 = 35,7 MATIC. That number would likely be rounded.
Last updated
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