
Idea to rewards players when they're on a winning streak.

Cups are rewarded for winning streaks on Matchday. For example, a player receives a โ€˜Pearlโ€™ Cup if they predict 4 correct results (wins or draws) from a Matchday of 10 games.

  • Pearl - 4 correct (Grey)

  • Emerald - 5 correct (Green)

  • Sapphire - 6 correct (Blue)

  • Topaz - 7 correct (Purple)

  • Black Opal - 8 correct (Gold)

  • Ruby - 9 correct (Red)

  • Diamond - 10 correct (Translucent)

Cups can be used to permanently improve an Attribute of a Pookyball.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ The value of each Cup will be added on this page in the future.

Last updated