Get a glimpse of what's to come for Pooky's innovative sports prediction gaming platform

This roadmap is a shifting and indicative document, which will move frequently based on the community and players feedbacks.

Current focus

  • 🏃‍♂️ Mobile application


  • Tokenomics evolution towards a closed-loop system


  • New game system: Crafting

    • Adding Consumables assets

    • Allowing crafting Permanents

  • In-App Secondary marketplace

  • New game system: Avatars

  • Achievement & Player progression systems

  • Sports and football-players data within the application

  • Partnerships

  • New sports

Past releases


Q4, 2023

Redistribute your Pookyballs' booster points

New game mechanics: Ascension for Pookyballs

New game mechanics: Ascension for Stickers

Mythic rarity for Pookyballs and Stickers

Free-to-play revamp - players can now enter any league, Basic League is removed

Q3, 2023

Game system revamp: Gameweeks, LevelUp

New game system: STICKERS

Automated Referral & Affiliation Program

Q2, 2023

Addition of 4 new leagues: Brasil, North America, Argentina, Japan

New gameplay mode: Rivals

Pooky-players prediction profiles

Game visual redesign

Q1, 2023

✅ Genesis collection release, 28/02

✅ Play-and-Earn Game Release

✅ In-app Primary Marketplace launch

✅ Regular collection release

✅ OpenSea listing - https://opensea.io/collection/pookyballs


Q2, 2022

✅ Core team recruitment

✅ User research and concept validation

✅ Brand identity development

✅ Sport data integration

✅ Artistic creation of Pookyballs

✅ V1 of Tokenomics

Q3, 2022

✅ Website published

✅ Whitepaper released

✅ Promotional games released

✅ Discord invites and whitelisting

✅ Game economics set-up

✅ Social announcements

Q4, 2022

✅ Private alpha released

✅ Free-to-play game released for the World Cup

✅ $POK token created

Last updated