Sticker types

For now the following sticker types have been defined:

  • Club: gives an X% increase to total Boosted Points if a given club is playing

  • Nation: gives an X% increase to total Boosted Points if a given national team is playing

  • League: gives an X% increase to total Boosted Points if the ball is used to predict on a matching League

  • Attribute: gives a X% increase to a Prediction Attribute (home, away...)

  • Exact Final Result: gives an X% increase to your Boosted Points if the exact score of the sticker happens.

    • If I have a 1-1 sticker, I predict 0-1, and 1-1 happens, my sticker still gives me extra points based on the Under result

    • If I have a 1-1 sticker, I predict 2-1, and 1-1 happens, my sticker does not give me points, since I have 0 Base points correct.

  • Goal Difference: gives an X% increase to total Boosted Points if the goal difference is more or less than a certain value

  • Goal Timing: gives an X% increase to total Boosted Points if there is a goal in the first 15', first half, last 15'...

  • Yellow / Red cards : gives an X% increase to total Boosted Points if there is a certain amount of red/yellow cards

  • Special / Double edged stickers: those special stickers will give a bonus when some events happen during the match... but a malus if they do not happen!

You can have a Pookyball with a given club AND a sticker of that club to double down on your favourite team! Same goes for the league.

You will be able to use several sticker types on a same ball.

For instance, you could build a ball that has several Clubs, or with several Special effects. However, you cannot use the same sticker twice on a ball -you can't get twice the bonus of your favourite team!

Developers' notes: We're considering allowing the same sticker twice so you can level it up, and only count the points from the strongest sticker of a given type

Last updated

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